Jaipur, February 6 Rajasthan is becoming a hub in regard to renewable energy and a preferred destination of the country, as Public Sector Units (PSUs) and the prominent Private Players are showing a keen interest to sign MOU/LOIs with the State Government.
The Government will be signing MOUs/LOIs with major players in the Country in Renewable Energy Sector capturing investment of Rs 3.05 lakh crore under Invest Rajasthan Campaign.
The companies that will be signing MOUs/LOIs are 5 PSUs including NTPC, NHPC, SJVN Limited, THDC India Ltd., SECI and private players such as Reliance, Axis and SAEL.
The expected investment is worth Rs. 3.05 lakh crores which includes Renewable Energy projects with 92.1 GW capacity and 4GW Solar Module manufacturing.
Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Pvt Ltd, the nodal department for Renewable Energy with Bureau of Investment Promotion, the state nodal agency for investment promotion will coordinate with the investors showing interest in the investment in the State.
In past few months, under the Invest Rajasthan Campaign, Domestic and international Investor Connect Programs have been conducted by Industries Department wherein the State Government has been able to sign 323 MOUs/LOIs worth Rs. 5.73 lakh crore and Summits in Districts were also held wherein 3272 MoUs/LoIs worth Rs. 1.33 lakh crores were signed.
Invest Rajasthan Summit which was scheduled to be held on 24-25 January, 2022 at JECC, Sitapura has been postponed due to covid situations. The focus of the Industries Department is now on materialising the investments interests received through MOUs/LOIs.