Menstruation and menstrual practises still face major socio-cultural restrictions, resulting in women as well as adolescent girls, which pose a significant barrier in the path of hygienic health practices. Young adolescent girls tend to be less prepared for menstrual hygiene management and suffer from apprehensions, fear, and shame during their menses. In rural areas, women do not have access to sanitary products, or they have very little knowledge about the types and methods of use, or they simply can't afford them owing to the high cost.
Awareness Campaign on Female Hygiene & Care Products was successfully conducted across District Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh under the North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Society (NERCRMS), Shillong and Changlang Community Resource Management Society (CCRMS) in collaboration with the District Administration, supported by the North Eastern Council & Ministry of DoNER, Govt. of India.
It is a convergence of the Chief Minister's flagship program-promoting girls' health and hygiene scheme and waste management awareness.
Under NERCRMSS and CCRMS, self-help groups are producing low-cost biodegradable and re-usable sanitary napkins with a focus on rural women and girls.